Church History
Sardis Baptist Church was established in 1875. As the area six miles west of Palmetto became more populated, residents felt the need of a more localized church. In 1875 the “Baptist Church of Christ at Sardis” was established with the Reverend J.R.T. Brown as pastor. Earliest membership records show 65 members on role. Many came from Ramah Baptist Church in Palmetto. The first church building was located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Hutcheson Ferry and Sardis Roads. Services were held one week-end each month (Saturday and Sunday). An enlargement to the first church was added in 1904. In October, 1926, a committee was appointed by the church to investigate building a new church. The committee members included: H.G. Peek, C.D. Kearns, F.O. Turner, D.B. Gullatt, Mrs. Mamie Barnes, and Mrs. Mamie Turner. In November of 1926, the church voted 23 to 13 in favor of building a new church building. Many thought it would be impossible, that they would never be able to pay for a new building. One man said, “The only way we can pay for a new church would be to sell the cemetery.” But there were others who knew that with God’s help they could do it. Mr. Henry Peek said that he would be at the church on Monday morning to start building and that anyone who wished to help would be welcome to join him. Many men met together and the building was started. When the building was completed in 1928, the entire structure was paid for with the exception of the new pews, for which Mrs. Mamie Barnes loaned the money. The church still meets in the same building today. In 1935 services were changed to two Sundays each month. Records show that in 1942 the church was called “Sardis Baptist Church”. Some members recall that as late as 1947 horses and wagons were still used by some people as a means of transportation to church. The church began holding services every Sunday in 1948. Sunday School rooms were added to the church in 1944 and again in 1947. A Sunday School building was added in 1960 and an Education Building was added in 1980. In June of 1954 the church voted to build a Pastorium, which was first occupied by Rev. J.O. Strickland. This building is located, across Hutcheson Ferry Road from the church building, on Vernon Grove Road. In 1966 a larger pastorium, first occupied by Rev. Bill Anglin, was built where the original church had been located and the old pastorium became Sunday School rooms. In 1998 the church grounds underwent a facelift including new landscaping, church sign, and outside lights. The summer of 2008, a community pavilion was completed. The pavilion was made available for use by any residents of the community for activities such as picnics, family reunions, and birthday/anniversary celebrations. Many servants of the Lord have been called out from Sardis Baptist church to serve the Lord in Christian service including: Christine Eidson Graves, Rev. Richard A. Hearn, Bobbi Hearn Jackson, Nell Hearn Daniel, Faye Peek Godwin, Rev. Tom & Mary Gullatt, and Tracy Turner Staton. |