History of Land Use in Chattahoochee Hills
Source Files
Comprehensive Plans, Overlays, TDR Ordinances, Community Plans, Unified Development Code. These heavy-weight documents are like Sgt. Joe Friday of the fictional t.v. show Dragnet who
implored informants to provide "Just the facts." But to truly make sense of how these documents came into existence and evolved overtime, it helps to introduce a cast of characters that can set the stage and provide first-hand accounts of the pivotal events that lead to the creation of the Land Use policies in Chattahoochee Hills. 1990s - |
Chattahoochee Hill County Alliance
Chattahoochee Hill Country Community Plan Remembering the Efforts 20 Years Ago to Save the Rural Character of the Area (Now known as Chattahoochee Hills). By Steve Nygren 2022 Chattahoochee Hills
Chatt Hills Comprehensive Plan Update (2016) Chatt Hills Comprehensive Plan Update (2021) Chatt Hills Subdivision Ordinance (2008) Chatt Hills Zoning Ordinance (2008) Michael Stephen Vogt Memorial Hwy (2013) Fulton County
Chattahoochee Hill Country Overlay (10/02/2002) Fulton County Comprehensive Plan 2005-2025 (2005) Fulton County Comprehensive Plan 2016-2035 (2016) TDR Ordinance (08/08/2002) South Fulton Scenic Byway Historic Context (2007) South Fulton Scenic Byway Corridor Mgt Plan (1998) South Fulton Scenic Byway Brochure (1998) South Fulton Scenic Byway - Name Change (07/07/21) South Fulton Parkway Overlay District (9/3/2003) |
About Laurie Searle
My passion is documenting and sharing the heritage of Chatt Hills and its people.
My husband and I moved to this area in 1997 and live on 5 acres in the rural district. I am a long-time community supporter, what some might call a "community advocate, although I have no professional experience in this realm, nor am I professionally trained or educated in land use. Over time I have served on the Scenic Byways Committee, Chatt Hills Organizing Committee, Chatt Hills Civic Association (communications committee and historical society), Community Newsletter Citizen Reporter, City of Chatt Hills Parks Commission & Historic Commission, and Chatt Hills City Council. I've also helped preserve the rural heritage of Chatt Hills by creating and maintaining this website, helping to record over 40 cemeteries in the city, writing heritage stories, and creating the Chatt Hills Barn Quilt Trail.
My passion is documenting and sharing the heritage of Chatt Hills and its people.
My husband and I moved to this area in 1997 and live on 5 acres in the rural district. I am a long-time community supporter, what some might call a "community advocate, although I have no professional experience in this realm, nor am I professionally trained or educated in land use. Over time I have served on the Scenic Byways Committee, Chatt Hills Organizing Committee, Chatt Hills Civic Association (communications committee and historical society), Community Newsletter Citizen Reporter, City of Chatt Hills Parks Commission & Historic Commission, and Chatt Hills City Council. I've also helped preserve the rural heritage of Chatt Hills by creating and maintaining this website, helping to record over 40 cemeteries in the city, writing heritage stories, and creating the Chatt Hills Barn Quilt Trail.